Honoring the lives of black womyn and girls who have been abused, brutalized and murdered due to state and interpersonal violence. These celebrations and events are intended to offer comfort and healing as we continue to fight towards the freedom and empowerment of black womyn and girls. We too are tired. As a radical black feminist, I’ve had to learn that even within these movements was it clear that our stories were unheard, unseen, ignored and did not warrant the same outrage. It is my life’s work to dismantle the white supremacy physiologically embedded into our minds to the point where it paralyzes us from being able to see ourselves as the infinite beings we are. Black womyn and femmes are tired. Trans black womyn are tired. We all are tired. Deeply rooted sista-hood is supreme. Our stories are beyond this realm. Our magic, beauty, and power is the blueprint. Our lives matter, our stories will be told and never erased. Love on a black womyn today.